How to Avoid Foreclosure

Many good, hard-working, and responsible people have fallen behind on their house payments due to the economy, lack of jobs, reduction in pay and the decline of the real estate market. Fact is 1 in 4 mortgaged homes in Lee County are 90 days or more past due. If you are in this situation it can be embarrassing and demoralizing. We can help!

You do have options:

1. Do you want to keep your home but the payments are too high? We will help you for free!

2. Do you want to get rid of your home with out destroying your credit. We can help you for free!

3. Do you want to stay in the home and fight off the bank? We will point you in the right direction for free!

4. Do you want to just give the house back to the bank? We will tell you how for free!

Currently lenders are taking 1-2 years to foreclose on a property where an owner is not making payments. If you fight the foreclosure it can add from 3 months to over a year to the process.

Keep in mind, if you are not making your payments the bank can and will foreclose eventually so make sure you seek the guidance of a professional to obtain the best information available.

Bobby Mahan is an expert on foreclosures and short sales. Training agents across the State of Florida, Bobby provides agents with information on how to help their clients with these difficult situations. For agents seeking more training please visit for more information.

If you need help immediatly please call 239-822-6000. To request a free report "7 Must-Know Facts on Short Sales and Foreclosures" or to obtain more information fill in the form below and Bobby will guide you in the best direction for your specific situation. Don't lose another day! Call now before it's too late. This initial consultation is FREE.

Please Note!
Bobby Mahan nor his team are attorneys or tax professionals. The Bobby Mahan Selling team does not give legal or tax advice. Please consult with your attorney for any legal questions and your tax professional with tax questions.

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